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February is the month of Chinese New Year

According to the lunisolar calendar, 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger.

Lunar New Year, better known as Chinese New Year, is celebrated in several countries in the east, in addition to China, of course, including Thailand, Vietnam, Tibet, Korea and Japan. There is no exact date to celebrate the new year. , as in the Gregorian calendar, as these countries follow the lunisolar calendar – based on the positions of the sun and moon – and this year it was celebrated on February 1st. The date symbolizes more than attracting fortune, it is also the moment when many Chinese return to their hometowns, since since the 1990s, China has taken advantage of a holiday week.

This year that begins is the year of the Tiger. According to the Chinese zodiac, it is the third of twelve animals and symbolizes boldness, courage, enthusiasm, ambition and brings a sense of justice as well as empathy that translates into a commitment to helping others for the greater good. In order, the zodiac signs are: Rat, Taurus, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. There are also five earth elements – metal, water, wood, fire and earth – that accompany the sign, one each year and, in 2022, it will be ruled by water that symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, softness and flexibility.

For the most mystical, it's time to use amulets, colors and even make use of foods that bring such energies into their lives and into their homes. Thus, the Water Tiger, as the new year is defined since February 1st, can be represented in different ways, including through stones and ornaments that refer to the colors of the animal. Between a color that varies between shades of orange and brown, the tiger's coat meets the energies given for the new year, since orange means, among others, prosperity and success, directly correlating with the feeling of ambition, symbolized by the tiger, as well as brown means comfort, security and simplicity, alluding to the mentions proposed by the water element.

To meet the most demanding exoteric, Guidoni suggests Black Taurus granite. An exotic coating that has golden and beige veins, with an ebony background, creating a natural 'tabby' look. As a result, dynamic patterns that guarantee personality and daring, as well as the animal that will be celebrated in the next twelve months, in the east and here as well.

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